Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Water footprints - another eco-measure

Radio New Zealand had an article about water footprints a while ago, which stated that 109 litres of water is used to produce the average glass (125ml) of wine (see the article that prompted it all here). This is not the first time this has been in the news - I found this article in the Economist from back in Feb 2009 and a column from The Wine Economist from late 2008, which cites a special issue (December 2008) of the Wine Business Monthly on the topic...

Water use is a hot topic, both in terms of how much is used, but also what to do with the water afterwards. In fact, there is an internationally focussed meeting about this, specifically aimed at the wine industry, being held in Blenheim later this year (6th International Specialised Conference on Sustainable Viticulture: Winery Waste and Ecologic Impacts Management)

The Radio NZ article was brief, and I didn't hear the audio version of it, but I was intrigued, as figures like this are hard to interpret without knowing what goes into calculating it. So I wrote to Dr. Ranvir Singh, who is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Hydrology and Soil Science at the Institute Of Natural Resources, Massey University to see if more information was available.

He very kindly replied and pointed me toward reports from the Water Footprint Network, who have published reports on global average values for water "use" for various crops and for animal farming. They were also the organisation behind the 2009 article, which quoted the values as coming from a report by Peter Gleick, who got his data (Table 19) from

So what is a water footprint? From the Water Footprint Network, it is "a spatially and temporally explicit indicator of direct and indirect water use of consumers and producers."

What does this mean? Similar in concept to the Ecological Footprint, and its sub-category the Carbon Footprint, the Water Footprint attempts to track all actual and "virtual" water use in the production and life of a item.

It's pretty easy to calculate the amount of water that is applied to grapevines, for example, and then set that against the tonnage of grapes harvested and the amount of wine subsequently made. And it's also reasonably straightforward to estimate the amount of water used in the winery through processing of the grapes into wine. There's even the opportunity to take into account the water used in the production of the labels, corks/caps, cardboard boxes etc. and add that to the total.

However, what is virtual water? Well gracious me, Wikipedia has an entry on that, too! The definition they quote there is “the volume of freshwater used to produce the product, measured at the place where the product was actually produced”

Getting back to our 109L per glass, that equates to about 870L of water per litre of wine. Let's look at what the vine contributes to that total.

Grapevines can typically use a couple of litres of water per day during the peak of the growing season, but use less in the Spring and Autumn as the temperatures decrease. So to allow some fudge-factor room, figure maybe 5 months of using 2L per day on average (either water in the soil or water applied through rain or irrigation). That's about 360L per season for the vine.

The amount of fruit a vine will produce varies a lot, but if we look at a typical Sauvignon blanc vine it might produce 4.5kg of fruit (this value varies a lot with vine spacing and other factors, but let's keep it simple...). In the winery this will probably equate to almost 3 litres of juice, which most likely will turn into about 2.9L of wine. So the vine itself is using about 124L of water to produce a litre of wine.

So that's about 14% of the total suggested by the report. The other 76% must come about from the winemaking process, packaging and other items used during the growing of the grapes and production of the wine.
 Flood irrigation has a low capital cost to install, but is not suited to all areas, and quite a bit of water can be lost to evaporation, rather than getting to the vine roots.

However, some studies suggest that daily vine water usage can be upwards of 60 litres per day (e.g. here)! Yes, this is not the average over a season, but in a dry area with vines having a high crop load, the daily average might be quite a bit higher. All of a sudden, the vine is contributing a lot more to the total virtual water use, maybe doubling, tripling the value, or even more.

In-line drippers deliver the water to vines much more efficiently than flood irrigation

So what should we make of all this? With any model system, such as what they are doing with the water use studies, there are a lot of assumptions that need to be made - if there weren't the models would be far too complex to actually use. We've demonstrated with relatively simple calculations that there can be wide variation in the final number depending on the numbers going in.

So taking a value you might hear somewhere doesn't really mean an awful lot until you start investigating what went into the calculation of that number, and understanding how it comes about.

That is, with thy wine, take a grain of salt.... :-)

Here are some links of potential interest on the topic of water use:

Sonoma Wine Company, Graton Facility - A winery that was successful in reducing their water use

New Recycling Technology Turns Winery into Water Saver
A winery re-using water that has come from the winery

Wine Business Monthly article on winery water use

Sustainable Farming Fund project looking at benchmarking water use in the vineyard

Water use efficiency of table and wine grapes in Western Cape

Monday, May 9, 2011

Frosts in California (and elsewhere!)

I have mentioned frosts before (August 14 and October 17, 2009), but some recent news brings this subject up again.

Early season frost is a big problem in New Zealand, but also in a lot of other growing regions around the world, such as in Ontario, which I've talked about before. The latest news from California, in an article from Western Farm Press, details the aftermath of a couple of frost events on April 8-10 in areas south of San Francisco. Damage estimates suggested that about one-quarter of the 10,500 hectares of grapes in the Paso Robles area will have a crop that won't be commercially worth harvesting.

Any grower worth his weight in quality secateurs should know what the frost risk is when looking to develop a vineyard, and if the risk is perceived as being great enough, some sort of management system will be planned for the development

Results of a severe spring frost - all green tissues of the vine are completely decimated

If the frosts are mild, then passive means, such as having bare soil between the rows in the spring, which will maximise heat accumulation during the day and release at night, can give from 0.5 to 1.0°C protection (of course, careful decision making in site selection is the best means of passive management!).

Active means of management include such things as taking advantage of an inversion layer (where a layer of warm air sits above the cold air at vine level, and which tend to form on still nights with clear skies) and sending up a helicopter to push the warm air down to mix with the cold.

However, if the frosts are very frequent, then installing a permanent system becomes cost effective, such as the wind machines I've already written about, or using water sprinkled over the vines.

A frost fan installed in Central Otago. Plenty of snow-capped mountains around the area!

There are some big differences between the wind and water methods. The movement of air method relies on mixing the warmer air in an inversion layer with the cold air on the ground. This works great unless 1) the inversion layer doesn't have enough warm air to raise the temperature of the cold air to above freezing or 2) there is no inversion layer.

The former is heartbreaking, as you might be successfully fighting off the freezing temperatures, then just before dawn and the temperature rise that comes with it, the inversion layer is all used up and the grape buds freeze.

The latter has the same outcome, but then you don't have to spend all night running around trying to combat the frost!!

In some cases, the conditions are not right for an inversion layer to form, or the cold might be coming in as a mass of freezing air, for example, from nearby hills or mountains that have recently been covered by snow (this appears to be what happened in California recently). In this case, since there is no warm air around, fans and helicopters won't help. However, the application of water to the plants will work for all types of frost events.

The idea behind the application of water is that as water goes from liquid to solid form (freezes) it releases heat (heat of fusion).

So as long as water is freezing on the plants, heat is being released, effectively keeping the temperature at 0°C. Plant tissues can survive this temperature and even a bit lower without damage, so as long as enough water is supplied to always have some in the process of crystallising, the ice, and grape buds or shoots inside, will be kept from temperatures that might damage them.

Two types of post-mounted micro-sprinklers - these use quite a bit less water than the traditional impact-type overhead sprinklers

The down side is that if enough water is not applied, the temperature can continue to decrease, so if the application system breaks, or the water runs out, before the air temperature rises sufficiently, you can lose the new growth.

In the foreground row visible in this picture there is a number of vines where less growth is visible. This is because the sprinkler at the top of the post (centre left in the photo) failed during a frost event, meaning that the vines were not continuously covered with water - thus once the freezing stopped, the temperature of the ice and tissues within dropped to damaging levels. Note that there is a frost fan in the background - the fan isn't able to cover the area that these vines are in, so the sprinklers were put in to provide protection there.

My preference, if I were to plant in an area that was prone to frost events, would be to use water sprinklers. However, in some cases there wouldn't be enough water available for this. Large dams can be build to provide a source of water, but sprinkling even a hectare of ground with water for a decent frost can require up to 40 cubic metres of water per hour depending on the system used!

The concerning thing is that with global changes to climate, we should be prepared for more extreme weather events - in this context, we need to be ready for more severe frosts later in the season. Seeing as how some grape growing regions in New Zealand can have a potentially damaging frost in almost every month of the year (historically, anyway), this isn't good news!!!

Hands up those who thought being a viticulturist was a cushy job!!